It’s that time of year again, fresh start, clean slate, etc etc. I’ve been mulling these for a few weeks and I’ve come up with a list of goals I want I want to accomplish. 2024 was a hard year, and I’ve decided not to be too hard on myself if I don’t make them. So today I’m sharing 5 goals for 2025.
Support Independent Journalism
Misinformation is rampant and news sources I once trusted are chasing sensationalism and clicks over supporting facts. It’s important for me to provide monetary support to journalists, websites, and publications who are committed to providing factual trustworthy information. Some of these publications I will be supporting are The Economist, MLK50, and the Philly Inquirer.
Start Hosting Again
I was once known as the hostess among my friend group. Not sure if I still hold that title but between a pandemic, job changes, and a move my hosting has fallen off. I want to host people in my home at least 3x this year. My plans are dinner parties, girls night, and something bigger around the holidays. It’s fun for me and I enjoy it and I want to get back to it.
Make Video Content
Not gonna lie, making video content kind of scares me. Between making it, editing it, and actually sharing it I’ve stayed away. There’s no growth in the comfort zone, and I know I can be good at video content. It’s a big scary but I want to push myself more to do the things that scare me.
Grow newsletter and Blog Readership
2023 was a great year for my blog. 2024 was a bad one. It is what it is. This is my 100th (!) post. I’m currently defining quantifiable goals for my blog, and one is to increase my readership. My stretch goal is enough website hits to qualify for an ad network. I also want to grow my newsletter subscribers and send newsletters weekly. As we have all seen with Tiktok this week social media platforms are fickle. I’ve been on the internet for a long time and I’ve scene a ton of sites come and go. My blog and my newsletter are my number one priority. I own those and will keep them regardless of what sites do.
Go To A Concert
I love music. I always have. Last year was the first year I didn’t go to any concerts in a long time. I would like to change that. I find live music fun and freeing, an frankly, I need more of that. Not sure who I will be seeing yet but I want to see someone.
So there you have it, 5 of my goals for 2025. Tell me some of yours in the comments!