




We made it to another weekend. The air feels very heavy, and I would be lying if I said I hadn’t been sitting in waves of sadness the past few days with all the loss. I wept last night when I learned of John Lewis’s death. It felt too close, and I am both angered […]

Cheers to the weekend y’all! I’m starting a new blog series , Kandy’s Corner, where I share a weekend roundup of my favorite things from the interwebs. These have always been some of my favorite posts to read, so I figured they would become posts I love to write. Keep reading to see what’s caught […]

My closet feeling sad. T.G.I.F! I hope y’all had a good week and a relaxing holiday. I spent the 4th in Memphis with my family. I ate all the local delicacies I could hold and sweated the entire time I was there. It was great. Switching gears, Wednesday officially marked 1 week of No Buy […]

Hello, my name is Kandice and I like to shop. You know those people that always have packages at their door? It me. Buying things is one of my favorite hobbies. I am all about a good sale. I’ve seen so many people talking about the money their saving in quarantine and I’m like…. can’t […]

Photo credit: Show of hands if you’ve already fallen off the resolution bandwagon. I stopped making resolutions because I realized I was setting myself up to fail. Instead I’ve decided to focus on small goals and things I can do everyday . I’m sharing a few below and my thought process behind them. Set stronger […]

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